Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An Ode To Eating Healthy

Now, I'm no health expert, but I do know what food is good and what's bad; I do know how much exercise is enough and I do know that I've felt so much better in the past month than I have in a while. While, no, all of my problems have not magically disappeared and I haven't remarkably lost fifty pounds within the past month -- I do feel so much livelier and more confident. Only ten pounds (only?) have been lost within the past month, and that is good enough for me. I'm not seeking to accomplish this quickly and easily, but with the addition of more exercise and a limit on carbohydrates, I  imagine could lose the weight much quicker. It's time to step it up.

I didn't eat badly to begin with (unless our limited budget condemned us to it), but with the removal of frozen party pizzas and occasional fast food, limited portions, brown rice, the addition of 8 cups of unsweetened tea and/or water per day, and around 50 sit ups each night, I truly do feel so much better and I do know I can do this. Temptation hasn't been an issue, and I have not cheated on the "diet" once. It simply isn't an option.

Mexican-inspired chicken, brown rice, white beans and vegetables that I made a couple weeks ago.

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