Tuesday, January 31, 2012

During last period today, we were told to come up with 6 word memoirs --

This is one of several that had I come up with:
 "... with the exception of your eyes."

Middle school isn't a breeze for anyone with a brain (am I going to get heckled for that?) and I constantly found myself the butt of everyone's jokes. My interests were incredibly strange in the eyes of my peers and my looks didn't meet their expectations by any means. The cowards that they were, they used the internet as their weapon of choice. It sounds so silly and trivial now, but I'd get messages constantly from anonymous teenagers that claimed they went to my school. These were never kind messages -- always something about how they thought my jeans were a weird color, how I was "actually a really hideous girl" (I remember that message quite well!), my weight, or how my taste in music was less than acceptable. 

But these messages always ended the same way; "but you have gorgeous eyes!
Thanks, that definitely makes up for the bullshit you put me through up until junior year!

"With the exception of your eyes" summed up nearly my entire school career up until this point. Fortunately, I've moved on. I still enjoy referring back to my less-than-cheerful past to make me feel more secure within myself presently, but these are things of the past. Sure, I'm still hyper sensitive, that'll probably never change -- but, I've learned to move on and pity those (and try to help them when I feel is necessary) who need to put others down to make them feel secure with their own character.

I've grown a lot since middle school -- hell, I've grown a lot since last month -- and, honestly, I'm incredibly thankful that I didn't breeze through most of my school career. Who would I be now if it weren't for these experiences?

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